Rabu, 02 Maret 2011

Vintage Aircraft - in the Sunshine

I remained at Cranwell for two years. During this time, apart from ceremonial duties (I was one of the thousands of soldiers who participated in the funeral of Sir Winston Churchill, among other things) I I hired in engineering of one kind or another with the squirrels in school work. Apart from day to day services and marshaling, more in-depth services was carried out at regular intervals of flight hours. We also had rectification work to be carried for any defect which might occur. At the end of my two years, I found that I was sent foreign, Middle East.

I was sent to the RAF in Aden Khormaksar and found was used in the wing strike, working on the Hawker Hunter. When I arrived in Aden, in August 1965, there were 2 squadrons filled, not 8 and 43 and a flight, no 1417. These were all operating Hawker hunters of one brand or another. There were 3 brands in use in Aden. These were mainly T7, FGA9 and FR10. I was not involved in the daily aircraft ration as I was registered on the flight that provide scheduled services.

The SSF task was to carry out all servicings were more complicated journals, such as primary, Star main and secondary servicings. We were also involved in any major rectification work and the work which incorporate changes to the aircraft. At this time I was thin and lightly built, usually was in charge of jobs where they are needed, small hands such as the modification on the part of Hydro-rocket spoiler blocking program. This was very demanding work, carried out by working through a very small group at the bottom of the wing. Work had to be carried out on all aircraft and I seem to remember doing a large number of them (but that may be only my aging memory play tricks).

A memorable rectification was when one of the hunters had a strike of birds, which came by intake port engine and landing gear Bay wing structure. Apart from the actual damages, which seemed quite extensive, disorder and the smell of the bird remains were very dominant. Everything must be eliminated before it failed to complete a proper assessment of damages. I seem to remember that at the end was decided to replace flat main port (wing), rather than trying to fix it on the plane. All Khormaksar work was carried out in an open hangar and therefore most of the time was very hot. I suspect that this was the main reason I stayed slim, as, like my colleagues, I me perspiring a large quantity of each day's work! Learn more about the Khormaksar in another article.

Senin, 28 Februari 2011

Nature - loans cutting-edge Aircraft Thin Spikes for aerial agility and efficiency

Over the years, I have pondered new ways to increase Vortex flow to accelerate the air at the top of the wings of the aircraft and to reduce the consumption of the layer limit, thus improving aerodynamic efficiency, reduce stall speeds for land and improving the efficiency of the wing, therefore, reduce fuel consumption. You see, I've always been a firm believer in efficiency – well, in all basically - economics, sports, Government, business, transportation and well, the name.

This kind of thinking has always attracted me to aviation since a plane is a tool and more efficient that works best for all parties concerned. Now, one of the concepts presented previously you then have small bumps, thin, but specifically shaped take on wind and meets with the leading edge of an aircraft and modify that airflow.

In fact, according to an interesting article on Live Science titles; "Mako Shark uses scale to make active tight," by Jeremy Hsu, LiveScience Senior Writer, which was published on November 24, 2010 the mako shark uses a similar strategy to assist with fluid dynamic challenges and flows of water through his body and makes strong and abrupt turns when going to kill.

Therefore I ask, we can actually use this trick of nature and the evolutionary adaptation towards more perfect currents in the aircraft? After all, we are now using the concepts of the humpback as a new form of design for blades of wind turbines whale fins and find enhancements almost immediately.

Why not borrow by nature and maybe put some of these "bumps" on the wings of the aircraft mako shark scales? We have large amount of materials to make them, so why not? If it helps the sharks that far, why not be sufficiently humble as to borrow this technique. In fact, I hope that all future aerospace designers might consider this.


Sabtu, 26 Februari 2011

Douglas Bader - Pilot breed, inspiring leader and hero of aviation

In 1931, Douglas Bader, a brilliant pilot 21 year of age in the RAF officer was chosen as one of the elite pilots to perform at the famous Hendon air display. Although often in violation of the regulations for flying too close to land, it was an outstanding aerobatic pilot, but on 14 December that year was exhausted their fate.

While visiting the Woodley, Reading, near's airfield it was invited by his fellow pilots to repeating their Hendon acrobatic performance and the temptation was too great to resist. A few meters on grass that Douglas Bader tried to stop filming his Bulldog; biplane airfield his left arrowhead swept the ground and at 125 mph crashed into the ground lost both legs in the accident.

After months in the hospital was equipped with two legs of Tin and commissioned into service with 100% of disability, his career appeared in ruins.

A less mortal would have hung their helmet fly there and then, but not of Douglas Bader. As soon as the war with Germany, than badgered their way to the RAF, convinced the Air Ministry doctors bureaucrats and flight instructors could fly, as well as anyone with two good legs, regained its wings and in the early 1940s, he was sent to 19 Squadron RAF Duxford, equipped with Mark I Spitfire. In June of that year gave him command of the squadron 242 that, flying, hurricanes led with great distinction from the battle of Britain.

In March 1941, Douglas Bader received the new post of Flying Wing Commander at Tangmere on the South coast. Equipped with Spitfires, Bader led the wing where, for the first time since the outbreak of the war, the RAF were able to carry the fight on the channel the enemy. Having been flying operationally tirelessly for 18 months – he had turned down the offer hop - on August 9, 1941 Bader luck again exhausted.

In a large dog fight over Bethune France North became independent of the Squadron, hired by the Messerschmitt fighter wing of Adolf Galland JG-26 and in the ensuing battle collided with one of them, losing the entire tail of his Spitfire section. Had no choice but to tax and was taken prisoner.
A constant on the side of his captors, Douglas Bader eventually thorn was imprisoned within the infamous Colditz where he remained until the end of the war camp.

Return United Kingdom after his release, Bader joined Shell company in 1946 as an Envoy, continue to fly the aircraft company worldwide himself and the personnel of the company high. After his retirement in 1964 shell gave the plane "with the aim of preserving its habitual mobility".

In all his years of peacetime Douglas Bader never ceased to be an inspiration to others who have lost limbs or they were disabled in some way. Took every opportunity to encourage others to disability approach with the same determination that made him one of the leaders of the great world war fighter, and his infectious, energy exuberance and indomitable spirit change forever the many people whose lives he played.

Douglas Bader was Knight by Queen Elizabeth II in 1976 for his commitment and work of inspiration for people with disabilities.


Jumat, 25 Februari 2011

Aviation carbon fibre

The world of aviation, compounds can be the most important materials. About 1960 saw the need for embedded in resin carbon fibre composite. Neither more nor less United States air force and the Navy of the United States use this material in many different applications. Main applications are particularly in the aircraft control surfaces as rudders, primarily controls the movement of the nose of the aircraft to the left or right; addresses and ailerons, responsible for the longitudinal movement of the aircraft. The pinnacle of success for the implementation of the material was to be carried out in public with important participation in the production of Boeing 787 Dreamliner.

Boeing 787 Dreamliner is proud as the aircraft more invented innovative ever in the history of mankind. This is the first aircraft each time you use carbon fiber in most of its parts. In this sense, it is its developer, Boeing Commercial Airplanes, boasts state-of-the-art aircraft is the most efficient among all airlines in the world, as it only consumes 20% less fuel than by any aircraft of similar size. Since it is lighter in comparison with other aircraft, has smaller engine, therefore the need for a minimal amount of fuel.

The most outstanding value of aviation industry has composed of carbon is that you still have the ability to be strong light in weight. Weight of an aircraft is directly proportional to its fuel consumption. As heavier succeeds, the fuel that comes to burn. Carbon fiber seem to be a perfect response to the concerns of the industry on this matter.

Today, the use of this material has its main applications in number one composition - consumption in the army. Military aircraft used an extraordinary amount of composite materials of other commercial passenger airlines. A good example to mention is F-22 Raptor, which was introduced on December 15, 2005. It is a fighter that was specifically designed as air superiority fighter aircraft, but can also operate to serve on the understanding of signs, electronic warfare and ground attack. The plane has more than three hundred fifty pieces of carbon compounds. Due to this, F-22 Raptor proud with magnificent speed sigilo, precision, agility, situational awareness and different capabilities of combat, making the best of the history of mankind has ever known fighter aircraft.

Other military aircraft benefited primarily carbon fiber are Joint Strike Fighter plane or the F-35; and Black Hawk helicopters. Provided that the aviation industry will remain enthusiastic about its evolution with this material will remain the compound as the most important material for use.

Rabu, 23 Februari 2011

Overview of company aircraft manufacturers Eclipse Aviation Corporation

Technically, Eclipse Aviation Corporation no longer exists. In 2009, a group of investors to buy assets of the company and subsequently had called Eclipse Aerospace. However, the company is in limbo at the moment, and they are in the process of manufacture and employee engagement funding.

The original company was the manufacturer of the Eclipse 500. This lightweight aircraft was popular for a while, but obviously not popular enough to bring to the company. Eclipse Aviation Corporation with the help of his former boss, Bill Gates was founded in 1998, Vern Raburn. Bill became the major shareholder and the company first took off in Scottsdale, Arizona.

When planning for the twin-engined Eclipse 500, the company moved to Albuquerque and began to manufacture its first prototype aircraft in 2001. Early design concepts were all wrong. Engines use not were suitable for general design of the aircraft and production was scrapped, and the team returned to the drawing board.

The first used engines were two international Williams EJ22 turbofans. Surprisingly, took a staggering three years to correct the error and finally settling in two PW610F-A turbofan engines. The Eclipse does not start with the newly updated until 2004 components. The team had finally arrived just and the aircraft was a success.

In the summer of 2006, FAA finally very lightweight Eclipse 500, and then the company jet certificate delivered its first jet for customer use next year. It would take another year to the European aviation safety agency certify the Eclipse 500 for private use, but achieved certification in 2008.

Apparently, things were going well for Eclipse, and even started working on a new model - the Eclipse concept Jet. This single-engined aircraft, four-seat was built in secret and shown as a prototype now operable. Finally, the aircraft concept was named the Eclipse and reluctantly 400, the company plans to bring it into production of orders come from.

The company in place would suffer a severe blow in 2007. The recession was starting to strengthen companies such as aircraft manufacturers much before they affect the housing market. Eclipse was forced dismissal of more than 100 employees and they were being sued for failure to pay for their work.

Things were completely downhill from that point. Vern Raburn resigned, 400 production was suspended, nearly half the company workforce had to be dismissed and engines were is seized by the manufacturers. Finally, customers even began to sue the company and it was forced to declare bankruptcy.

After all the disorder in court, a bidder (Eclipse Aerospace) was everything that was left to make an offer for the company. Eclipse Aerospace acquired the company for 20 million dollars in cash and promissory notes $ 20 million.

Selasa, 22 Februari 2011

Cessna 182 Skylane - the Quintessential light aircraft

Cessna 182 Skylane is considered by many as the best of light aircraft. Although it does not occur in the same numbers as its smaller cousin the Cessna 172 and name recognition among the population in general as the Cub, the Skylane is at the upper end than it is practical for everyday pilot.

Cessna 182 was introduced in 1956 as a variant of 180 tricycle gear. In 1957, 182A variant was introduced along with the name Skylane. Later models added larger Windows and more powerful engines.

Located in the Cessna alignment from the 172 to 206/210, 182 is at the end of what can be considered as a simple plane. Although the 182 has a controllable pitch propeller, is not pressurized and most were built with engines and fixed landing gear of not tubrocharged. Therefore have relatively simple maintenance a 172, the extra performance of an extra 80 HP, but only a couple of extra gallons of fuel flow in cruise.

182 Is heavier and has a more solid than a 172 sensation and is widely regarded as a very good flying instrument due to its stability level. Newer models with a cabin G1000 Crystal and the GFC 700 Autopilot are an authentic model of capacity and the sophistication of a light aircraft.

Cessna 182 has four seats. However, as the majority of small planes you will only see full for short local flights. For longer trips extra fuel and the probability of baggage means that one or more seats will probably be empty. What is lost in people you will definitely get in range and resistance. Later 182 can carry 88 gallons of fuel, it enough to easily follow aloft for six hours, which exceed the strength of the passengers, if not the aircraft.

On the basis of their price, simplicity, ease of handling, durability and performance, the Skylane has earned its place as one of the most popular and respected light aircraft.

Minggu, 20 Februari 2011

Rely on their instruments especially in fog

While the position of certain instruments in the cockpit in individual private planes may vary, the most important primary flight instruments six absolute will always be placed right in front of the pilot. Inform the orientation of the plane, offering its direction, speed, altitude, etc.. With their gauges can lift to the condition of time on the engine and all individual systems of the aircraft. Even the most basic aircraft will provide you with information and reading about how much fuel is aboard, ammeter, oil pressure, temperature and the tachometer. Even some offers small aircraft pressure readings of the variety, the speed of the fuel flow and the cylinder head temperature instrumentation.

A pilot is sometimes caught flying through "the soup", also known as instrumental (IMC) weather conditions. Many experienced pilots tell stories that you've been taught to always rely on their instruments when you fly under these conditions. Generally speaking, based on its instrumentation because lost all visual indication become extremely confused and already cannot depend on its own senses to say yes to what happens and what is inactive. Some pilots relay stories fly through fog, insurance of its direction and guidance, only to find themselves raise the cloud completely upside down.

No horse through the fog without reading their instruments, can never be 100% sure that what is happening, or even close to that percentage. So while it may be true that almost 100% of the time their instruments not lie, are caused by man and able to malfunction. Perhaps, instead of saying that the fact of "always must rely on their instruments", the statement might be better said that "never trust your own senses".

The two main instruments to entrust to pull that will go you on clouds and indicators of altitude. However, both instruments are based on the same vacuum pump that keeps the gyroscope to function properly. If the rotation system fails, the instruments will be not be tell you what is really happening. But any pilot can teach themselves or learn from others, exactly how to cross check your meter. Many instruments in the panel can really show different types of information other than what they were specifically designed to display.

Consider for a moment that you are flying and you don't know which direction is up or down. Its heading indicator and its altitude indicator no longer work. Simply the nose in a diving tank would to know if it is really falling into altitude as the airspeed began to increase rapidly. The reverse is also true. If tire backwards to raise its level of altitude course should reduce speed as you upload. If these two things do not pass their instruments are really tell you what you think is happening, no. If your speed is kept constant, then, you know that your altitude is also holding steady. Accordingly, if the instrument turn coordinator remained stable and so does speed mostly know is maintaining its orientation.

It is always important to verify its implementation, even when the sky is clear or anytime when VFR flight. Learn how to use other instruments in the panel to give you information validate what you know is true, is a valuable way to learn how to fly through "the soup" when the time comes.


Sabtu, 19 Februari 2011

Aircraft hangars are perfect for water collection

Aircraft wings are quite large and the more people and luggage on aircraft has wings more large have to be in order to lift the weight into the land. This means hangers in which the aircraft is parked must be large enough to fit the size of these aircraft. That contains only a handful of corporate business aircraft hangar is large enough to meet more than 100,000 gallons of water into a storm which simply falls 2-3 inches of water.

This water must be collected and prevented from running property or online flight where you could find distillates petroleum fuel gas or spilled or even mixed with hydraulic fluid Jet Aviation and other chemicals used in the aviation industry. Collecting this water before of his second round at the nearby clarifiers, sewers or tributaries, you can use as clear and cool water for a number of things.

For example with a little water filtration could be used to clean the air, and although it may not be good for aircraft in the final phase of the aircraft in the exercise of cleaning, could be used throughout the SOAP. How do we make of collecting rainwater outside surface of large hangar areas?

As well, I am glad that you because it is only that there is some rainfall very sophisticated and very well as gutters rain Gutter store, you can associate with a collection container collection of binder, systems engineering. Using these systems hangar owners can collect hundreds of thousands of gallons of water during any given storm.

An architect who is designing aircraft hangers in San Antonio Texas is considering only the concept of aircraft hangers rainwater collection. His client, a company of great national fractional jet, you want to build two very large hangers and environmentally correct by collecting water, and then reuse that water for landscaping around of installations, as well as filtering of water used for washing of the aircraft. Definitely, this is something to keep in mind, for those who want to collect rainwater in order to conserve water and prevent droughts become serious. Please consider this.

Kamis, 17 Februari 2011

Perpetuum Mobile for the unconscious Scientifically

These days, almost everyone seems to be looking for a free energy source. There are several obvious types of free as the wind and solar energy, apart from those who are not as obvious as the centrifugal force and radiant energy. Some of these energy generating forces are generally opposed to the totality or perhaps several scientific laws. However, some are on the border with the unfavourable Perpetuum Mobile.

However, if you really think some of the significant past innovations aircraft, nuclear bomb and the diesel engine you will notice that at the time those creations had been against scientific awareness as well.

Here are some not so obvious-free energy options:

Hydrogen: Is a molecule of water, making it highly accessible. Hydrogen electrolysis is often removed from the water, and then used as fuel. Each time it burns recombines with oxygen, and then forms steam which makes a source extremely energy-efficient for the coming years.

Heat environment: this concept for power, mechanical or electrical heat is not really new. During the early 1900s, an engine had been invented to use the heat out of the atmosphere to create mechanical energy. Sixty years later, ran a turbine air operated in hot air, passing through it.

Magnetism: This is one of the most abundant and mysterious energy that has captivated the human attention during the days of the ancient sources. Earth and the Sun have magnetic fields that produce energy, which can be used by humans as a free energy source.

During the past 50 years have been created innovations that seem to defy the laws of physics. For example, creators of the Zero point magnetic motor claims that could create large amounts of energy in quantities that the device needs to operate. This means that the zero point generator can be described as a Perpetuum Mobile or generator of perpetual, many inquisitorial rather minds had been dreaming about for many years.

Rabu, 16 Februari 2011

The helicopters fly in

Making one DI (daily inspection), his aircraft is one of the essential acts that gets played drums on a pilot from the first day. It is not only a legal requirement but generates confidence that the airplane is flying. Helicopters is not unusual to have to stop and refuel several times in the course of a day. Often there are several people load and download his plane while in the seat of pilots with engines running uncontrolled much what is happening, especially if a slide is playing terra signature. There is much that can happen.

When you finally arrive back at base to re-fuel, often thrust is to get re-fueled and back into the air by a different reasons million. We as professionals, do our best to accommodate.

A ride by is not a legal requirement and we just closed and re-fueled, nothing has changed, right?

It takes about 30 seconds to walk around his aircraft from a distance, 5 or 6 feet is good. Do look for locks voided, beading of oil or other fluids, hanging, duffel bag buckle cover fuel in (Yes occurs, good reasons to put the cap on the pilots seat), tabs in the tail rotor strike run hand in the lower part of the tailboom, did someone put the cable tie-down in and land yet to find something unusual?

Do you ever undertaken heard the sound of a safety belt beating on his plane takeoff and just after the translation? It is much stronger than the sound of you chico maintenance yelling obscenities at you when he sees the dents in his plane.

There are lots of elements of than a simple walk by discloses of startup, if you do not already one now, after a season that will shudder to think that there was a time just tied up button the helicopter to his ass and put in place.

Secure Flight

Selasa, 15 Februari 2011

Everything about Airplane Turbulence

What is the turbulence and how to do? There are different intensities of turbulence? Can we avoid it?

Many people don't know really only is what turbulence, or how it is caused, so here we have a more detailed look at some of these questions...

What is Turbulence?

Turbulence is caused when an aircraft flies through air waves which are irregular or violent, causing the aircraft to bounce around and yaw. Meeting with all the big waves and strong currents that occur can be compared to two seas. A ship or a ship passing through these two seas bouncing around in the water, in the same way as an aircraft in the air. Airplane turbulence is the same kind of incidence, only invisible.

Turbulence may consist of many different conditions such as currents in Jet, storms, waves of mountain, cold or warm fronts, atmospheric pressure or microbursts. In essence, the turbulence is caused by irregular movements of air created by collision of different or flowing air pressures.

Most people who travel regularly or hypodermic aircraft has experienced this turbulence, and is always a disconcerting experience when the aircraft is launching around.

Aircraft turbulence comes in a variety of different intensities, with each level of impact differently on the plane. Here is a look at the different turbulence intensities:

Light turbulence: creating only barely noticeable changes in altitude of the aircraft.

Chop light: light but fast Desnivel experiences, even without major changes in the altitude of the aircraft.

Moderate turbulence: Intensos, irregular changes in elevation are caused, but the plane is still under full control of the pilot.

Moderate Chop: rapid and intense lumps are caused, while altitude changes are barely perceptible.

Severe turbulence: large, rapid change of altitude of the aircraft are caused, with the possibility that the pilot to temporarily lose control of the aircraft.

Extreme turbulence: Fortunately this is extremely rare, but in cases where experienced extreme turbulence, the plane was thrown around of aggressiveness, pilot lose all control of the aircraft. Reactions in the plane itself vary, loose, being displaced to loose items occurs around of the aircraft, while the passengers can be driven around elements.

Air turbulence clear

This type of turbulence occurs when there is no cloud in the sky. Found most often when an aircraft that is sailing in altitude suddenly enters a dangerously troubled area.

While sophisticated instruments and aircraft radars can detect many things, cannot detect this type of turbulence. When occurs a turbulent air clear, most of the time the effect is mild in front of the aircraft, but more severe in the rear of the aircraft, meaning pilots can not measure their intensity.

While pilots are not seen Clear Air Turbulence, if you look at the forecast time and graphics, must be able to spot areas where they could possibly occur turbulence.


Senin, 14 Februari 2011

Aerospace MEMS Based Sensors

Aerospace MEMS based sensors

Aerospace applications based MEMS sensors include the ability to eliminate conventional flight control surfaces, reduce resistance, providing lift-on-demand and improve aerodynamic performance of compressors, turbines and intakes. Consist of complete and inertial navigation units on a single chip. They are ideal for applications in hazardous environments (e.g., high temperatures, vibration, flows erosive and corrosive media). They have the bias of long-term stability and high reliability. Capacitive accelerometers are specifically designed for harsh environments and therefore critical security applications (IMU), title of the attitude and system (AHRS) reference product inertial measurement unit. They are used in the aerospace industry, missiles, and precision munitions.

Inertial navigation systems

Sensors are used in inertial navigation systems to determine the location and orientation. Measure the change from a single point of departure in three dimensions. Instrument measurements provide the remaining information. Motion sensors measure changes in acceleration, time, and rotation. Used in accelerometers to allow the calculation of the speed and distance speed and time together. Gyroscopes allow calculation of rotation, including heading. Based MEMS sensors can measure gyroscopic inertia, the tendency of rotating objects to maintain a fixed orientation, resisting forces trying to bend them.
Rotation is measured against a stabilized reference or axis line. When the aircraft right turns, the gyroscope turns left.

Ring laser gyroscopes

Ring laser gyroscopes operate by exciting atoms in a plasma to free electromagnetic energy in a cavity. Each end of the cavity reflects the energy back and forth, and forms a stationary wave pattern. The wave frequency is the measure that is used.

Sabtu, 12 Februari 2011

CRM Get head Way pilot programs

When it comes to CRM, denote an aviation that has existed for more than two decades officer training program. It has generally based on human factors in flight operation.The word CRM is an acronym for the crew and something known as Cockpit resource management and resource management. Today, CRM is a word zumbida of flight regime. Although the main objective of this programme is to improve aviation safety, emphasis in decision-making in the cockpit, leadership and interpersonal communication as well. In the year 1979, NASA originated this training program to reduce the risk of human error aviation accidents results.

CRM originated as a response to new insights about the cause of the accident aircraft was followed by the introduction of modern jet aircraft flight recorders and cockpit voice recorders. Information obtained from these devices has revealed that many accidents aircraft not as a result of a lack of planes, handling skills or technical malfunction of the craftsmanship of air, or even a lack of technical understanding of crews; It seems that all were the result of the inability to respond to emergency situations. For example, lack of communication between the crew and other parties gives a break in teamwork, as well as a failure of the situation of the State of alert, which ended with a fatal accident with a large loss of life.

To improve the efficiency of aircraft crews, not only need to achieve a solid understanding of technical knowledge and skills, but also have to develop cognitive and interpersonal skills are a prerequisite for being a good CRM. This kind of skill not be easily purchased by conventional training methods. Skills CRM are mostly involved with understanding and interpretation of behaviour that arises particularly in a context of group. These skills can develop properly through experiential learning. It is almost impossible to succeed without being competent enough to get a view of the above circumstances. When a person is going through a process of train like this, its past experience will definitely be a great advantage. Without an experienced CRM instructor, crews will never benefit from it. Today, CRM instructor performance standard is defined by a group of accreditation under the auspices of the Royal Aeronautical Society. It is better to implement CRM in the early stages of crews training regime to avoid possible confusion with these two different programs.

One of the key initiatives of CRM is to ensure high quality to be taken across the spectrum of flight operation decisions. Therefore, in this context, a detailed pre-flight planning will not only help crews to successfully address their own responsibility, but also to be a criterion against all odds during the flight operation. Better understanding of the plan also help crews to contribute effectively in decision making during the flight. As safety is the main concern, the captain must update crews when you make any substantial change. It is particularly important at the time of the emergency. In these circumstances, frequent updates on the State will allow crews to answer the situation.

The contribution in the process of decision-making for the most part depends on the organizational culture. This factor includes the perception of the authority of commanders paper, how to share this perception to other crews and aircraft. Today, commanders are more likely to ensure the participation and cooperation of other crews instead of being autocratic and overbearing. An effective CRM will only flourish where encourages organizational culture and empowers the junior crews to support the captain to assist in decision-making, whenever required.

Perceptions that underpin the CRM are not something as the newborn. It is as an attempt to distil maximum old in a style more rational management and sound within the flight regime. Efficient and safe flight operation lies not only in decent acquisition of technical skills, but also good competition in CRM by crews.


Jumat, 11 Februari 2011

Firefighting helicopter: best option to Deal With Ulysses

Le helicopters does not seem to be an innovative machine when sits down to compare it with other aircraft normally used for efficient rescue missions. But if experts, serves a purpose great in a form. Firefighting helicopter is thought that the forms more reliable fire-fighting.

It was his deep interest in this topic for fire-fighting devices used throughout the country to find more information about. Had witnessed many cases in the city where these helicopters helped save many lives. So serious and fierce were such a devastating fire flames even shoot at security personnel began to rely on this way of fighting a fire in high rises.

Helicopter rides is one area that you thought comes within the limits of this Act. What was the reason why you want to know more about it. There were many to him, normally this journey is expensive and to find information about providers engaged themselves to facilitate these services, is a difficult process. However, you were in any State of mind to resign soon. Why did a kind of oath to explore methods that could give you enough information about them.

Instead of believing the rumors and the truths of the half baked, preferably should begin to make some efforts of its own. Do not keep on worrying that you might need to take some tedious measures to obtain the information. In fact, there are some simple steps and methods that will really make it possible for all necessary information sitting in cold comforts of your home.

One such way to accumulate information necessary is to have the help of a newspaper. Do not start a altered doubt the authenticity of this statement. You should be happy to know, now that is reading exact material that actually provide to achieve his dream for a long time valuable. Once you've read the whole article, don't be surprised if you stand up and say, ' I can't believe it. «Is it really that simple?»

So the next time you want to know about flights helicopter, everything you need to do is help take a newspaper reaching your sweet home every day. Yes means that you find this newspaper as the best way to quench your thirst for news, events and events etc. that take place around the world. After you have finished taking their daily dose of news of current exhibitions, you should try to spend some quality time to have a look at these ads. To do this, you will find there are many advertisements who speak of this service. Normally, you will find number phone referred to in this announcement. Call the number and easily can have all the information you are looking for.

Rabu, 09 Februari 2011

Israel considered surveillance UAVs balloon aerodynamic stability

The other day I was reading on a design by some students in Israel for a kite as balloon aerial vehicles not Tripulados system was designed to keep track of Hezbollah in the Lebanon and Hamas in the West Back in the event that occurs thought that they could do another barrage of rockets. Looking design, reminded me a few questions asked once another interesting system by another inventor, he was going to use your system to create energy while flying a kite, although a very sophisticated Comet even more than the Afghanistan - in fact you could even be another good use for this kite flyers?

I have therefore asked; "I see is a good start with some problems of stability, but those are soluble, and modifications have been set forth to allow the turbine so that points toward the wind, while the profile wing or comet maintains its high angle of attack"?

Indeed also wanted in each of these cases, although has considered the possibility of putting strakes on the top of the wing Airfoil yaw, creating avant-garde which allow excess relative to by-pass when one wing guiña too far - perhaps in a slider - purely mechanical wind slot-based morphing or configuration dual lines with a lower among them to stabilize or also introduce winglets wing wing?

In thinking about what occurred to me that perhaps a "Gull wing" configuration with the slider border between wings as well as a wing tracks decreases it the elevator on the other hand pulling a spoiler of some kind. And in both cases I was wondering; for now, are their main concerns with stability? Or are there other issues also refers with too much?

You see, I guess that when it's that old saying; Go Fly A Kite, that some friends quite literally means are serious about what could actually make a comet that well-designed and all applications might be able of. Both of these designs appear to be negotiable, no problem, once it is reliable, people want them. Thus, if you tell me "go fly a kite" - I'm all in! But won't believe what will make my kite. Please consider this.

Selasa, 08 Februari 2011

Switching the airline flights may be that when problems

Surprisingly, commercial airlines to make money at all. Somehow everyone feels as this is the best way to enter and leave their place of destination, but what it really is a nightmare of the entire process. By far, one of the biggest problems that seem to arise is when you change your travel plans.

Used to be that when he bought a plane ticket if you have a problem here, you could simply change to a different flight for a nominal fee and on their way. These days, the process is extremely painful and if you have not paid the extra airline when you bought your ticket change for you then is simply out of luck.

Most airlines charge both extra additional cancellation and fees that by the time all is said and done, so can launch the original ticket in the trash and start switching. Yes, wind literally until another ticket purchase, even if allow you to change your original ticket.

Now, as said most airlines a nominal by advanced by the potential that may need to change your flight regime and even if you don't see anything special that may arise during this period of time that is probably still pay the fee to change just in case fee will be charged. If you have still not seen how badly will try to change a ticket, then probably think this is unnecessary, but if you were in the process, then, you already realize the value of this additional fee from the beginning.

Eventually you get one way or another. Do not end up paying the fee initial switch several times before they really need to make a change to your flight plan, or you end up paying this amount when you actually go to change your ticket. Either way you will find a way to pay and you can bet at.

Air transport is an expensive investment, but if you need to reach their destination could appear to be commercial airlines in a barrel. A travel alternatives are taking a private letter to his destination because the only way to have travel arrangements that are designed to meet your travel needs, but is a service, you must be willing to pay.

Senin, 07 Februari 2011

Vintage Aircraft - Love Affair resumed

Upon my arrival to the Royal Air Force College Cranwell, I thought that was working in the Chipmunk engineering section, and that as a mechanic newly titled, it would only do very basic things with these vintage aircraft. At the time of my arrival was just under 17 years and 2 months and was too young to be promoted to leader Air Craftman "LAC", while I had qualified for the range from LAC. So initially, was only allowed to help "to" other aviators or NCO and swept around the aircraft.

One of the important things I learned sobre in this stage was the control of the tool. All the tools were kept in a "shadow Board" when not in use. It is a plate with a silhouette of each tool, a hammer, key, or a pair of pliers. A system tool labels meant that it was possible to identify the mechanic or installer who had a specific tool Board and at the end of each period of work, all the tools must be returned, and obtained the tags. In this way it is possible to say if it was missing a tool, which had taken out of the Board, and, therefore, approximately where should be. This is very important, because it would have been too dangerous for the vintage aircraft have flown with a key between flight controls, or a pair of pliers short electrical connections.

At the beginning of December, 1963, I have reached the age of 17 and a half and was promoted to the and the Caribbean. Less than 7 weeks later came the second anniversary of my joining RAF and this was considered a good point that I promote range that had qualified last July. It therefore became SAC Howard, "Senior Air Craftman". This meant a domestic flight to squirrels line record.

Squirrels were operated from an aerodrome of grass on the opposite side of the main road from the rest of the season. I seem to remember that we had about a dozen planes, and as the first mechanical line, I had to learn various tasks that are not covered by my original lineup. We had to hand learn swing Gypsy Major engine, how to marshal the aircraft (indicate the pilot signals, we wanted to do) and how to ensure that pilot/s were tied securely and correctly. In the Chipmunk engine was started by a burst of cartridge, which generally blew a huge cloud of smoke over the operation. Once this had been cleaned and the pilot was happy with the way in which the aircraft was operating, he would be the signal for which the chocks removed and would the Chipmunk taxi through grass for take-off point.

I'm going to leave the discussion on this point and resume in a few days.

Sabtu, 05 Februari 2011

Top 5 Delta manoeuvres

Normally, when you're in a cabin of an aircraft, and there is no noise ever-present engine, which means that something is wrong. Terribly bad. Not in a glider. There is only wind that flows around your booth and wings. Aerobatic gliders tend to have stronger and shorter than gliders used in cross-country races to withstand the high g experienced in some maneuvering forces wings. If it is not exciting enough for you, here are the top 5 exercises you could learn to run during a flight.

1 Loop. This is a basic maneuver, but is the most popular of any flying experience. It has a reputation of being extremely difficult especially in competition. The figure should be perfectly round and entry and exit point must be parallel in altitude. It has a pull up to 3-4 G. Elevator backpressure is gradually aflojada soar on the loop to maintain the shape of the sphere of the manoeuvre. The glider has to stay in a position that has wings at a right angle element. The rudder is the main component to maintain the glider in the figure. Spoiler maneuvers are used to maintain the orientation of the wing.

2. Square loop. It is an adaptation of the loop have two perpendicular line and level of the same length. Line out at the bottom of the figure must be the same length side of 3. Quarter loop connecting all sides of the figure which should be in the same radio in each corner.

3 Half Cuban eight. The glider is in a position in an angle of 45 degrees in a loop of five eights. In the Centre of this line a roll down half is done inverted foot switch. Completing the tactic is a pull out to horizontal position. Reverse address characterized this trick using the line down for regular altitude speed and engine.

4 Wing Over. It is one acrobatic maneuvers glider that requests the pilot tire upwards and Bank simultaneously the aircraft. Depending on the angle of Bank passed 45 degrees, the nose began to place the Bank increases maintenance plane returning. Past halfway the manoeuvre, the aircraft is expected to have turned 90 degrees, the fuselage is parallel to the horizon and level of Bank is 90. At this point the glider now sits on the trajectory of flight, while the nose is constantly falling past the horizon and the glider is still happening. The Bank falls past 45 degrees, and then nose is dragged up going to the horizon the aircraft for a horizontal flight with wings turn from a 180-degree level positioning. The manoeuvre is complete when model comes at the same height input but flying in the opposite end.

5 Spin. This maneuver is essential in any flying experience and has variations of laps 3/4, 11/4, 1/2 and 1. At the entrance of rotation. The glider has to prove a stall, break succeeded by automatic rotation. This rotation must stop after the specified number of tour. A vertical lowering needs to carry out as soon as the rotation stops.

These are just some of the number of which can be made with a glider aerobatic manoeuvres. Even the simplest of them presented requires a lot of skill and practice. Paragliding aerobatic pilots have taken years to master these movements and all had started with skills learned during many flights Delta great flight. You don't have to undergo a glider aerobatics experience to such rigorous training. Flies for the first time during the flight, you can inform its pilot you are interested in experiencing a feat that and surely will be happy to oblige its pilot.


Kamis, 03 Februari 2011

Real experimentation, with a yoke of Flight Simulator experience

If you are tired and frustrated in games flight simulation using only the keyboard and mouse, is time to upgrade. A yoke of Flight Simulator can significantly improve your gaming experience. With its easy installation and control of real life performances, offers opportunities for real life flight training less expenses. They give you sensation of real-world look flight deck and functionality enables the integration of decent realism for the design and construction of flight yokes. Most aircraft are flown using yokes. Therefore, using one of flight simulation games will ensure smooth and feel good flight simulation experience.

A flight yoke is a column control found in the cabin of the aircraft. During takeoff, it's column that pull back the pilots. Its main responsibility is to control the roll and the tone of the plane. It has buttons, levels, and switches and down and switches, which operates certain manoeuvres to can never be achieved with a keyboard and mouse. Since the device continues their versions of the real world yoke, yokes are usually complemented by rudder pedals at the helm of the aircraft control cables that connect. This component is what allows pilots to make coordinated maneuver or turn to the left or right.

The yoke of plug and play installation Flight Simulator features. Simply connect it to the USB port on the console and load simulation and software drivers. Simulation games offers a wide range of options or aircraft to fly from airliners to fighter aircraft and helicopters. Virtually lets you hone your skills for commercial flights and flights of combat. A flight yoke simply do this to happen as sits ahead of their game console. Therefore it is clear that this device allows to practice their piloting skills less fees and hassles of flying lessons.

Most of the yoke of flight can be purchased in the market Simulator devices offer perfect replicas truth cockpit controls. The keyword is replica. While are conceived in actual flight yokes, does the same exact feeling you will get actual aircraft. For example, in actual aircraft, yoke columns are usually made of metal while flight yokes Simulator will give you a feeling of light due to its construction plastic. Also, cheap, low quality yokes easily develop dead spots or slower performance over time. With frequent use, can eventually do not recognize certain positions, which can be really annoying to your gaming experience. Therefore, it is important to have time to do your own research in the search for yokes that maintain level flight.

A yoke of Flight Simulator gives you the experience of flight that is closest to what happens in real life simulation. Allows you to get through each level using the same controls and procedure followed by real pilots. Even includes Accelerator, which is present in programs administrator of flight controls. To get the most out of your yoke of flight simulation, make sure that matches the specifications of their gaming software. For an accessory sold separately gaming, your choice from the yoke of hardware should complement the software system and the execution of the flight simulation. By if realistic instrumentation is what we seek, complete your PC gaming with a yoke of pleasant Flight Simulator.

Selasa, 01 Februari 2011

Electronic components of high temperature

High temperature for aerospace and defence electronics include standard products and custom solutions for power management, signal under extreme temperatures and harsh conditions conditioning and energy conversion. High reliability products have to be ensured from - 55?C to + 225?C and sometimes use outside that range, from cryogenic low to upper ends.

Aerospace requires saving energy, weight and cost in compact electronic systems. Often mission-critical, high temperature standard electronic components include DC-DC converters solutions regulatory voltage, voltage references, alarms & clock, analog - generator electric motor drivers to-Converters Amplifiers, Power MOSFET and controllers, digital integrated circuits (ASIC) or hybrid assemblies multi-chip.

From design through simulation, the wafer Assembly, thousands of hours of testing, high-temperature electronic components that are cutting technology life characterization process. All flight control actuators aircraft, such as pumps fuel, landing gear or actuators, brake components use. Political, environmental and economic trends for air transport lead us towards All Electric Aircraft (SAA). Electrifying aircraft provides opportunities to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide and weight and reduce maintenance costs. Electric aircraft design all aims to eliminate as many sources of hydropower and complicated circuits as possible. The replacement of conventional hydraulic systems includes replacement of all hydrostatic actuators with EMAs electromechanical actuators.

Electronics design.

At high temperatures, you start to enter an area where regular solder melts and isolation disintegrates. Commercial TTL and CMOS devices have been tested successfully with temperatures than its specified limit.

High temperature operation is not only a problem of semiconductors. Internal heat dissipation is caused by conduction losses. To minimize, low on resistance devices operated low currents possible leakage and minimum should be used. Due to leakage increases with temperature, which in turn increases the fugue, the danger of thermal leakage is always present.

Aviation-database.com is a great help to anyone who operate within the industry. "Purchase of" or "sell to" aerospace companies, placeable email contacts directly to your Outlook Express address book, you can compile a list of addresses in a print basket, you can use links to bounce directly in other aerospace company Web sites. High-temperature components and inertial sensors are inertial AeroSystems UK offer an advertiser in aviación-base data.


Senin, 31 Januari 2011

Unusual Airplanes

Magnificent birds of steel can be fun for a number of individuals. For those seeking to achieve the thrill and excitement in your life, these aircraft gives them an adrenaline that nothing can be compared too. Meanwhile for others, these aircraft are like a kind of meditation, provide something similar to an out of body experience.

Northrop blue tacita

This creation was specifically in mind stealth technology. The blue one is the result of seven years of diligent research. Unique curved design of the blue tacita analysis showed that it is capable of returning surprisingly low radar signals making it practically invisible. Blue Northrop tacita flew 134 times since 1982 up to the project ended in 1985. Without a doubt, this bird is one of the most amazing aircraft has never flown.

Boeing bird of prey

Launched in 1992, birds of prey Boeing project remains as a file classified air force files, however, does not stop our thanks for this beautiful machine. Developed to help the United States air force in its investigation of stealth technology, birds of prey cost a staggering $ 67 million. The project took a number of different models, all with some amazing technologies, then embedded in real Bird of Prey for its first flight never success in 1996

Grumman X-29

Originally conceived by a NASA Research Institute based in California, the V-ala Grumman X-29-shaped has played a key role in improving some of the most advanced aircraft technologically today. This unusual aircraft was designed, built, and then took off from NASA Dryden's renowned research center in Ames. The Grumman X-29 purpose was to test the functionality of unique design and technology embedded in its structure. That has now given as a result of this research is used to help engineers in the development of new aircraft.

General Dynamics A12 Avenger II

Conceived as a replacement for the A6, the main purpose behind the A12 Avenger II intruder was to make a machine to combat hidden all time for the Navy and Marine Corp. However, due to a number of flaws in design and development, tremendously expensive A12 Avenger II project was closed.

Bell-Boeing V22 Osprey

A magical flying machine able to overcome almost any helicopter, the Bell-Boeing V22 Osprey maneuverability is able to compare with almost any aircraft performance. Designers behind this most amazing birds exaggerated vertical take off from technology to produce a surprising but highly profitable aspect machine. This fusion of a VTOL high-speed cruise has caused many practical transportation applications increased from.

Bell X-1

Bell X-1 is one of the most renowned aircraft in aviation history. It's a beast powered rocket that broke the sound barrier for the first time back in 1947, piloted by Chuck Yeager shape. Before this historic mission, Yeager broke two of its ribs while horse but he that left no stop him. Desperate enter records, Yeager hidden wounds of his superiors, by climbing in the Bell X-1 and making history.


Minggu, 30 Januari 2011

Buy Remote Controlled Airplanes

Fly a remote controlled aircraft is one of the most popular pastimes that most people have today. It is your way to freedom from anxiety and to at least her dream of becoming a pilot. It is a good activity that you and your children will certainly enjoy. There are plenty of open spaces that can be used to play this game. There are a lot of models of aircraft will be on the market now. Remote controls them. If you want to buy one of them, remember some tips that will guide you in the things you need to take into account all the time.


The first thing to consider is the type of aircraft that will buy. Make sure you choose the right who prefer more. You have to be certain about the design you want. The color of the drawing should also be considered. You can many in the market, so you must take time to choose from that you will buy.


Aircraft function remote controlled due to power source. There are several ways well known that these aircraft are can work as through gas, electricity and nitro. Gas powered gas oil and automobile use. Electric have batteries should be charged from time to time, while those nitro used a fuel called nitro-metano.


It is very important that you visit some stores that sell these remote controlled aircraft. There is undoubtedly much around you. You can go to toy stores if desired. Try to compare its features, as well as their prices so you can choose which will buy.


One of the best things you can do is to find somewhere that sell these things. Try to use internet you have at home. It is a practical method that can be done. No need to spend much because you only need to click and navigate.


Ask an enthusiastic partner about the best you can buy. You will surely help it. It is very important first-hand learn about buying aircraft models. In this way, you will have a slight security level will work well.

It is very important to take into account some factors that can help you to buy the best remote-controlled aircraft. The suggestions mentioned certainly will be helpful for you. Make sure that recall them all the time. Insurance which are of great help.

Sabtu, 29 Januari 2011

7 Reasons why you should make the Airplane tour Grand Canyon South RIM

Grand Canyon South Rim airplane trips are by far the best way to see as much of the National Park as possible. If this trip is not on your to-do list, here are seven reasons why should be:

1. This tour will show you more of the Grand Canyon than any other. Departure from the Grand Canyon, AZ airport. flight goes east of the South, where you will see Zuni Point, (where the Little Colorado joins the Colorado River) Zuni corridor, the watchtower of desert, painted desert basin and the Navajo India reserve. This is only the halfway point. In return, parallel the fabulous North Rim, by the left bank to the runway and entering the corridor of dragons, part broadest and deepest Canyon. You see, in 50 minutes what would take days on the ground.

2. Only large Vistaliner airplanes are used. This aircraft is not a bi plane. Commercial-class to 19 persons is a twin-engine aircraft. Built tail suggestion for sightseeing, climate controlled, high wings Vistaliner comes with oversized Windows, plush seats and personal headphones. Aerodynamic design of the aircraft ensures the smooth as possible.

3 The rim of the Grand Canyon from Las Vegas South plane flight is the fastest way to the National Park. It is only a journey of 45 minutes, which makes the bus 5.5 hours feel like an eternity. Its flight includes Lake Mead and Hoover Dam, as it is evident from the Colorado River in Grand Canyon, AZ airport. This trip includes a trip by bus to the rim and lunch. Grouping of a helicopter ride is also an option.

4 Allows you to include a trip to float by the Colorado River. Flight exits this from Grand Canyon Airport, including Lake Powell and false of Glen Canyon Dam of landing page, AZ. There, you can embark a pontoon boat and start a 15.5 mile float trip on the Colorado River to reach the ferry from Lee. Runs from late March to November. Open to children aged four years and older.

5. During the flight narration available in 16 languages. German-Spanish, French, Japanese, Chinese... is everything here. History of the Grand Canyon, science and the milestones are revealed in this discreet narration. You know as well as a Park Ranger when you get off.

6 Is incredibly safe. Two pilots, each certified by the FAA, fly each aircraft southern edge tour. Aircraft are equipped with a TCAS (traffic Collision Avoidance System) and a GPWS (Ground Proximity Warning System). Grand Canyon air space is strictly controlled and all tours operate under FAA rules applicable to the transport of Air Charter. Does not receive any insurance than this.

7 Is cheap. Expect to pay about $120 per person. It is important to take into account agreement how tourist of great Canyon you get. To obtain this rock-inferior offer, book online. As one reviewer travel regularly buy tickets online. I can say from personal experience that is safe and secure. I've also never had a reservation snafu, either.

Grand Canyon airplane tours cover more of the Canyon than any other form of transport. You will see three wheels, as well as Glen Canyon Dam and painted desert. No other tour offers half as much. Your security is job one, also. Professionally trained for of Vistaliner of State-of-the-art aircraft pilots, is cleared for take off. Definitely book your tour online and looking to pay about $120 per person. Ready to take to the skies? Do aboard an aircraft Vistaliner countries of the South coast. It is the final shape of the experience of this natural wonder.

Kamis, 27 Januari 2011

Fly Away White Cliffs new South - Wales Council, analysis and review

GA Fly away TIPS and analysis below.

Weekend in review.

End of another great week as pilot in command with a team of 9 pilots and 3 aircraft. Departed Bankstown Sydney Airport with the first stop of Orange in New West South Wales and we were received with a cold reception 7 degrees Celsius before departing for Parkes, Cobar and stop to White Cliffs new Wales in the South and the old mining town of Opal.

White Cliff is a city of opal in the North West of New South Wales, Australia and a wonderful and unique place to visit.

Most of the city lives underground homes called pirogues. Shelters are burried houses and dug into the rock.

All we stayed at a place called the London underground motel and it is highly recommended. More than just a motel, you will find here is the opportunity to share a unique life style.

Aviation fuel is available through the owner of the pub and local hotel is also a local pilot. The pub is a great place to kick back and relax and is the center of the city and centre of hospitality.

A great weekend had by all, and this was another great experience to Fly away to a great place. Worth the visit. ?

Analysis 1. Outside too hot, or kayaks felt perfect as remain a constant 22 degrees c, over the year and stay dry and well ventilated.

Analysis of 2. In a dugout won't use a heater or air conditioner as they are comfortable year-round.

Tip 1. Always try to book ahead even if only for a few hours and make sure your consider a free service offered by the hotel.

My review and comments. 9 of us pilots flew at white cliffs and we were received within minutes by the friendly staff of the underground hotel since we chose everywhere and not only led us to the hotel, but forward and backward in the pub and the airport again the next day. good service and always worth worth using a hotel with free shuttle service.

Rabu, 26 Januari 2011

Flights of biofuels – A Boon or a danger?

In an approach or "environmentally concerned" more to reduce carbon flights, Lufthansa Airlines has announced that they starting commercial biofuel flights daily between Hamburg and Frankfurt in a six-month trial from April 2011. The movement to operate an aircraft engine with biofuel on a long stretch of six months, is the first of its kind in the world.

Security issues in energy, increase in gasoline prices and climate change from greenhouse gases emitted by aircraft have been worrying the airline industry for quite some time. Virgin Atlantic Airlines, British Airways and Continental Airline must already they have been tested on flights of biofuels in the past two years. However, environmentalists have consistently been warning that the production of biofuels may also have adverse effects on the environment.

Biofuels in flight operations can save about 1,500 tons (15,00,000 kg) of carbon dioxide emissions. However, as the worldwide airline industry is asking for an alternative source of energy, there is a need to search engine aircraft in a long term sustainability of biofuels against fossil fuels and its effect. Moreover, environmental concerns are another big problem related to the production of biofuels.

According to a United Nations food and Agricultural Organization report, biofuel plantations are destroying the ecosystem from various regions of the world. Palm, created for the production of biofuel in Indonesia and Malaysia, oil plantations have led to deforestation, resulting in more consequent greenhouse gas emissions worse.

In that situation, a sustainable and environmentally friendly manner with the environment to produce biofuels is the need of the hour.

Selasa, 25 Januari 2011

Understand more about the services for repair of aircraft

Aircraft are becoming a popular means of transport for many people. Due to an increase in people who are riding a plane, aircraft services also is booming repair industry. This means that aircraft must maintain regularly on the repair of aircraft to avoid accidents and other problems. There are some people who find this activity to be nice and this is the reason why take responsibility. Of course, this work would involve hard work and it is important to realize that each part of the aircraft is essential to be large or small. There are people who want to take part in aircraft repair services. This is demonstrated to be a challenge, and person would have a strong educational background. This would mean to obtain a certification from a school accredited avionics. As part of the educational requirement, one must complete a four year program and earn a degree. Part of the training would work as an apprentice to have hands on experience in the handling of aircraft.

If you wish to join supplier of aircraft repair, you must have a hand on training and ended an electric program. You are responsible to ensure that all instruments are in good condition before the plane can take off to ensure that all passengers aboard are safe. This is the reason why they have to listen and pay attention to every detail of the aircraft. Problems of an aircraft can be quite complicated and before they can be resolved, there is more research work several trial and error. Technicians say are responsible for ensuring that the aircraft in good condition. Delay the flight if they know that the aircraft is not suitable for fly.

Apart from repair, they have responsibility, ranging from installation, review, measure, monitors of all parts of the aircraft. Also check the parts of the aircraft navigation and communication means and certify everything works fine without any problems. Most of the time, who work outdoors and in the evening. If you want to become one, always remember that it is secure at all times. This can reduce the chances of any serious lesions. It is important always where safety clothing when working on the aircraft. There are times that when you have to tighten their way to small for the purpose of maintenance and repair places. This is said to be information that should not be ignored. It is important to have some skills to be vigilant. This would mean that you are right in checking and repair of the entire contents of the aircraft. Remember that there are things that do not should be ignored.


Minggu, 23 Januari 2011

Incursions of track and the considered airport planning

Fortunately, the majority of aircraft collisions happen on the ground. When they occur in the air may be even worse. More possible damage on the ground of two planes hitting each other would be when they are on the same track. Where one aircraft is landing or take-off or other aircraft landing or taking off while another plane taxis on the track.

Therefore the time to plan an airport - always put the control tower at a place where drivers can see the entire airport at the same time. This makes it less likely that aircraft interfere each other. Some of the major problems include people who do not speak English very well not understand what he says the tower control and then pull ahead of another aircraft.

Runway incursions are serious, and represent the largest number of errors about. Now, then I would like to draw your attention to an interesting article in the los Angeles Times in November 2010. The article was written by Dan Weikle and titled; "Terminal Would Block Sight lines" and the article appears some points very good, because the creation of blind spots in an airport is very prudent.

Apparently, the proposal of $ 1.5 billion expansion at LAX or Los Angeles International airport project would put new terminals in places where the control tower would not be able to see all the aircraft moved at the airport. This is very dangerous, and although they could overcome with a video system, could still cause problems. Remember, LAX is one of the busiest airports in the world and is very close to the airport in the America United States.

Yes, the airport has expansion, and probably could've used expansion 10 years ago. As returns the economic recovery, they need to have this project completed to be ready for the onslaught of passengers increased. However, the important issues of collision for aircraft and runway incursions are critical. Considering that this project would not block any of the runways block many aircraft as they moved. In fact, I hope this consider.


Jumat, 21 Januari 2011

Cessna 172 Skyhawk - all time most popular plane

More Cessna 172 than any other aircraft were built. Since production started in 1956, over 43,000 have rolled off the line, and continue to do so.

What explains the 172 popularity? It is a fortuitous combination of performance and utility that is difficult to overcome. Although very few pilots list the Skyhawk as its dream aircraft, is that many end up with. For decades was the step until the aircraft from learning to fly a Cessna 150. After a 150, the Skyhawk seemed to have loads of room, power and speed. Faced with the rapid increase the costs of purchase and fly larger and faster aircraft, many decided that the 172 had adapted very well to their needs.

It is difficult to imagine, but when it introduced the 172, which seemed a very modern aircraft. Remember, his immediate predecessor was the tail dragging 170 and aircraft before were mostly made of wood and fabric. To move up in the relatively quiet metal all 172 was a great leap in comfort and utility. Easier to land, cheaper maintain faster 10 knots and two more seats than your average queue drag point were the big points of sale, as the series of numbers.

Fuselage of the Skyhawk proved remarkably long lived. While the basic technology is more than half a century old, when you put modern avionics as G1000 Garmin in the instrument panel is difficult to tell the difference much new designs too.

The Skyhawk is also helped by docile handling characteristics. Generally not regarded as easy to land, has bad habits to speak of.

Although aircraft have never been cheap, 172 benefits from being at the lower end of the market so it is long have considered modern aircraft. It is also the first of what could be considered a useful aircraft to go somewhere. Anything less would have to consider more for recreation transport.

The purchase price is only the entrance fee to owning an aircraft. As unfortunately discovered many owners, is really an opportunity to spend more on gas, insurance, maintenance, inspection, replacement engine, hangers, and many other things that consume money funds. The Skyhawk is fortunate to have a simple design and low fuel (less than 10 gallons/hour) needs, some of these costs are reduced.

Although it is still producing the Skyhawk, have more competition than in its heyday. New composite designs are faster and how much, if not significantly more capable. But with a very broad pool of used aircraft, the Cessna 172 Skyhawk is without doubt a popular airplane for many years to come.

Kamis, 20 Januari 2011

Tips for starting competition Warnervale YWVA pilot point

3 TIPS for competition of the GA Flying below.

Story of the day of the competition.

23 May 2010 attended and participated in a contest of Flying in Australia New Wales in the South of Warnervale (YWVA) just north of Sydney. These competitions are allowed for landings forced error engine, spot landing, landing approach and any instrument that glide and clouds flying. I went for additional practice in emergency procedures and these competitions offer a pleasant way to hone your skills.

My morning started in Bankstown (YSBK) 0700 and with some scatttered showers and cloud thought best call pilots local in Warnervale YWVA to ask about local climatic conditions. Fortunately someone responded to YWVA advise had less scattered clouds over 4000ft and no wind. Bankstown had similar time so everything was good to get away, was ready, set, go to Warnervale!

At 0740 I departed YSBK with 29R track and proceeded on my trip without interruption until approaching just north of Gosford. I was on a heading 013 m when showers and heavy low clouds was ahead.

Decreased 1500ft so I was clear of cloud and started to prepare for a flight with a heavy showers and cloud ahead path deviation.

Had begun fun and calculations of mathematics, Air pilots know as browsing. Now my love for enjoyment of flying and passive mathematics had a goal and that was calculating safe fun for Warnervale or give back. I love flying low and heavy cloud forward was a positive challenge as I had several safe options and expected expected and planned what is more important that I could overcome the obstacle that the composition of YWVA followed later. Of all if not me Warnervale with aircraft competition, the event was sentenced and I am sure that other drivers driving that would be so disappointed as if the event was canceled.

A heading 013 West deviant m away from the clouds and then turned to a heading of 283 M and kept me away from the cloud. I remained on the runway for 3 minutes and then returned to my original heading 013 m in parallel to the original title track. Once clearly past the base cloud re-most my track turning this now with a game of 103 m.

Originally the West having diverted for 3 minutes and have nil wind seemed an obvious mathematics calculation that I should I track 103 M for another 3 minutes to pick up my original flight path. Almost to the second of my correction of 3 minutes I saw Warnervale YWVA only 1 nautical mile ahead.

YWVA was a clear vision, WOW, a calculation of simple math, we know that the navigation could not have been more favourable for me this day. I liked math in school and was, without doubt, happy and impressed right angle deviation away and return on the base of the cloud I came to the exact location that needed to be.

YWVA Warnervale flying contest involving a corto-campo takeoff, a rise of instrument and maneuvers, followed by a landing of a landing in the track and then a touch and go with a circuit at 500 feet, then a flat point landing.

We had some minor competition with the odd interruption isolated clouds and showers. Filming at Warnervale were affected by rain overnight to make sure that the aircraft was not sunk when offsets to and from the runway was both a challenge and was a part of the competition.

Case study: Spot Landings

The majority of pilots tend to land 5-50 m, at a minimum, the spot in last competitions landing spot and very few if any soil before the English channel, until you find a point on the track ahead of the spot.

3 TIPS and techniques for GA competitions.

Tip 1. Undershoot landing spot. My observations of competitions landing spot almost all pilots advance the place, so try hitting ahead of the spot.

Suggestion 2. Try hitting ahead of point by 15 m as most land approximately 15 m or more above the ground.

Suggestion 3. If you have practical time using some circuits before the event to get a idea of what this early and by how many meters undershoot wishing to obtain the place.

Analysis of Landings Spot:

It may be easier to come early, then Accelerator for the place then, is to invest when you have gone past, except of course if you're in a helicopter.

Selasa, 18 Januari 2011

Multitasking in the Cockpit

An aircraft cabin is a very busy with all arrays of instrument and the things to be looked at, checked and adjusted. Competent pilots must control the altitude, speed and direction of the aircraft at all times, simultaneously and consistently. At the same time, needs to communicate with the controllers of air traffic on the radio, pilots navigate the aircraft and keep an eye out of the window to any other aircraft flying in the vicinity.

With all these functions involved, is not is surprising that novice pilots are overwhelmed by multi-tasking required to fly an airplane! One of the most common problems faced by student pilots is that they tend to concentrate on an instrument too, while losing track of others. Another common example is that students will maintain only their eyes from the aircraft, focusing on the instrument panel and neglected to seek out of the cabin window once.

While, of course, these problems are only natural, need to be overcome if a pilot student wants to progress. Many flight instructors to realize this, and are able to detect when the eyes of the students are moving, not enough and quickly bring this to the attention of the student when passed.

In order to help students master the ability of multitasking cabin, flight instructors will instruct their students about how to perform a systematic analysis of the cockpit. It's panoramic pilot quickly their eyes on the cabin side to another in a systematic pattern. This method allows pilots to study quickly all the instruments needed without wasting any time focusing on one thing.

Remember that it is carried out much the same task, although on a much smaller scale when driving a car is a good suggestion for students. While driving, we are constantly changing our attention from the front window, mirrors, speedometer and return to the window once more, while performing tasks such as gear, braking changes and so on. Flying is the same, only more things. Certainly it gets easier over time, so not resign, keep your mind in the area and always naturally think one step at a time. Before knows that multitasking in the cabin will be second nature to you and fly under stressful conditions is already not worry you.


Senin, 17 Januari 2011

How to become a commercial pilot

Basically, there are 3 main ways to become a pilot. You can go through the route auto sponsor, sponsor of cadets or Government sponsor airline from the military, air ambulance, wings of police and etc.. You can start his lessons on flights to 17 all the way up to as old as you want if you just want to fly for leisure. But I am sure that most of you would love to be a pilot as a life long career instead of entertainment. To do so, should you register in a school of flight that gives you up to a commercial pilot's licence.

Once you start training, you have to apply for a student pilot's licence. Depending on what country occupy your flight, will fly up generally 50 hours in a single engine to obtain their private pilot (PPL) license. With a PPL, you can only fly small aircraft and can bring people up to the sky but you may not charge any money. Basically with a PPL, the intention is to fly for leisure. To fly and win life after his PPL will be take to a commercial pilot (CPL) license. In Asia, to enter the airline, need a CPL with 165 hours on a single engine, 35 hours on an airplane engine multiple with a total of 200 hours. In addition, need to have an instrument rating and complete all soil examinations to obtain a Frozen Airline Transport Pilot License (ATPL). I know that all these alien sounds of jargon to you, but I will explain in more detail in my future post as only want to keep it simple for now on how to become a pilot.

Auto route - sponsor if you choose this route, will pay its own training flight (which cost a bomb) without any guarantee of work once he graduated. Between 3, this route is considered to be very risky. However, if you think, if you're studying for a diploma of degree from University or any employer guarantee you a job. There is no age limit if you want to do I sponsor the shape.

Path to sponsor airline - this is the best way, since it is not necessary to pay a single cent and guarantees you a job with that particular airline after graduating. To return the enormous cost invested in it by the airline, are normally bound between 7 to 15 years. In accordance with Cathay pacific, its total cost of your cadet pilot is 1 million HKD fresco. It was not a small amount of money. Most carriers have an age limit of between 26-30.For example, Malaysia Airlines has an age limit of 26 while Air Asia at 28.

Government/military - for those of you who like to fly quickly and feel the adrenaline as the flight of aircraft speeds faster than the speed of sound, you will need to apply with the air force, which is usually paid by the Government. Although it is a common belief that those who are very good will will select fly warplanes, some will be selected for transport aircraft fly or helicopter. For non-military, can serve the air ambulance unit wing air police, search and rescue and etc.. Most air force pilots do not stay with the Government for life as most commercial airlines will unite once your contract is up. Singapore, air force Singapore (SAF) retirement age is 45 and most will join Singapore Airlines thereafter.

Minggu, 16 Januari 2011

Jets today

The invention of the Jet engine 1930s led to an entirely new kind of taking to the heavens, one that could fly to an impressive, much faster speed than any of his counterparts from propeller aircraft. Jets would be to break the barrier of sound, reaching speeds of 2,000 km/h or above.

In general terms, there two different jets those designed for commercial use and those used by the military today.

Commercial Jet aircraft

It is the aircraft used by enterprises and carriers for cargo transport, passengers and business executives, worldwide.

Passenger aircraft

For passengers every day, the jet age began in 1954 with the first ever flight of the Boeing 707. Captures fast way, soon before the tastes of the Douglas DC-8 707 competition and since then the passengers have been travelling the world in jets. Today, the two largest manufacturers of commercial aircraft are Boeing and Airbus France. More popularly used Boeing aircraft include the 737, 747, 757, 767. Meanwhile, Airbus has shown to be a serious competitor with its A320, A330, A340, and now the new A380.

Business jets

It is small or mid-size jets that allow executives rich and anyone with enough cash to fly around the world on a whim. Class known business jet manufacturers include Cessna, Dassault, read and Gulfstream.

Cargo jets

Used for the carriage of goods worldwide, cargo jets have led to a rapid opening of trade in many countries of the world, thanks to its efficiency in the transport of products quickly and securely. Consisting mainly airliners that have been converted to carriers of cargo, once they have been replaced its human cargo transport functions, the most common cargo aircraft include the B737 and the B747.

Military Jet aircraft

Used by armies around the world from its rapid development during World War II, these jets are essential for modern warfare.

Jets attack and Fighter Jets

It is girls glamour world of jet aircraft. As the F-15, F-16, F-18 and the F-22 fighter jets dominate the skies with his skills in the dogfight, be able to fly deep into enemy territory and place devastating loads or blow your goals from the sky. Modern combat aircraft incorporating advanced technology that allows them to perform amazing maneuvers and fly at supersonic speeds.

Jets bomber

Jets bomber are almost relics of past, having first been developed in World War II era, have changed very little in concept or design ever since. The exception is the Stealth Fighter Bomber aircraft Anti-radar that can go anywhere in the world and appear invisible.

Specialty jets

An array of aircraft is most unusual employed by armies worldwide. They are used for specific missions where other types of aircraft simply don't fit, such as spying or reconnaissance missions and purposes. U-2 unmanned aircraft is probably the most famous of this aircraft type example. Meanwhile, aircraft such as the T-38 and T-45 are used by the USAF for pilot training.


Sabtu, 15 Januari 2011

Paris Air Show 2011 marks 103 years of excellence in aviation exhibition

Held at Le Bourget in Paris Airport, the Paris Air Show is an international fair for the entire Aerospace business. This trade show takes place every odd year and caters to the military, corporate and private clients. It was the last show in 2009 and the following is scheduled for June 2011.

Paris Air Show first arrived on the scene to modern times with regard to our use of transport. In 1908, during the Paris Motor Show event organizers decided to devote a part of the series the pop-up aircraft. The following year in 1909, the aircraft has his own show held at the Grand Palais.

At the moment, this show was an annual event and was doing quite well. Show occurred four years in a row until interrupted by world war I. Once the show returned in 1919, he began to be held in alternating years. The show took another break during the second world war and returned in 1946 (held in odd years only of 1949).

The show was already quite popular, one of the largest in the world. Grand Palais was home to the Paris air show until 1953, when he was moved to its current home in Le Bourget. In the early 1960s, entertainment had offered the public a look at some of the aircraft more innovative on the market and the development.

The Paris air show was an estimated event rivaling even Farnborough Air Show. The program is organized by Groupement des Industries Françaises Aeronautiques French aerospace space et.

The main purpose of the fair air is military and civilian aircraft on display to any potential customer, whether a corporation, a Government or any other willing to pay high price for an aircraft in production. Some of the most powerful military forces around the world have representatives at the Paris Air Show looking for innovative aircraft designs.

Not only do people witnesses of various models of aircraft on the ground, but also come to see how to perform in the air. The show is spread in over a week enabling each time of aircraft to be displayed.

As a result of the air, a few accidents have plagued the Paris Air Show. The most tragic accident in 1973, when a Tupolev Tu-144 crashed violently and all crew members killed six and eight spectators on the ground.

show 2011 will be the delivery of 49. 2009 show marked the centenary and showed the value of a century of innovation. The show was longer and larger due to the celebration. It hoped that the next show be reduced, but still counted with the latest innovative designs aircraft worldwide.

Kamis, 13 Januari 2011

The costs and requirements of being a pilot

If you are seriously considering becoming a pilot, for recreation or as a work time full, congratulations on your ambition! But before you go getting yourself too deep, it is necessary to consider if you are to the height or not, both physically and financially.

Are you eligible?

The first thing you need to do is make sure that you are actually eligible to start earning your pilot's license. While it will be a crushing disappointment if you discover that you're not, it is much better find now, rather than more later when they have spent money for nothing.

The first requirement is that it must be at least 17 years of age to become a private pilot. While you are allowed to start lessons at an early age, probably isn't profitable for start up to about six months or less, before activating the 17.

Then you need a medical evaluation made FAA test. This evaluation is a requirement for anyone who wants to try his first solo flight. If for any reason not evaluation, remember that it is better know sooner rather than later that would only exacerbate their disappointment.

Can you afford IT?

One of the key aspects of the training of pilots is financial. Simply isn't cheap to learn to fly, and so that to plan their finances carefully, preparing a realistic budget. This will help you decide if you really can or not, and can also help to keep track of expenses which are incurred as it progresses from your training.

There are many costs that will have to be considered. Some of the more obvious include things such as flight instructor fee, level rental fees, costs of fuel (if these are not included with rental of drawing), electronic reference manuals and books, testing fees, medical evaluation committees, pilot supplies and medical insurance (your premiums are likely to increase if you are a pilot!).

Total cost of the training of pilots from beginning to end varies considerably according to many different factors, for example where conduct their lessons, and how long takes it to get your license. Estimates of the range of total cost, but most of them seem to place the average amount of money spent to win a pilot's licence in around $ 8,000. Please note that as long as the cost of fuel rises, this cost also is likely to increase too.

Moreover, shall take into account that while the legal minimum number of hours of flight before that you can not take the final test of the FAA is set in 40, many students take much more time than this before that your instructor will allow them to make this final test. The current average is around 55 hours.

To have this and any other factor, it is not reasonable to say that a budget of $10,000 is necessary to ensure that all expenses are covered. It is possible to find a program or a company that specializes in flight, school loans if you need help to finance your dreams, what do not despair if this figure seems out of reach.


Rabu, 12 Januari 2011

How to get great pictures of planes

One of the highlights that experiences every year is going to see the air show. It is a wonderful walking right until the flat old vintage time. I guess I sitting all cabins and flying them through the clouds. Although drawings on screen change from one year to another, the main attraction of the show is always the amazing Blue Angels doing their right routines dangerous stunts before my eyes.

And although I never miss the show, also never miss the opportunity to take my camera DSLR with two of my lenses, my tripod and an extra digital storage. For most of the action sequences, I use my 100 ' 300 mm zoom lens I have a 10 megapixel digital SLR camera that is more than sufficient to produce the fabulous pictures of aircraft.

To go to the shows for many years and taking great photos of aircraft, I learned how to obtain the best possible pictures using features that are included in my camera. Generally, for fast action flying photos configure my digital camera for automatic constant care. When I'm ready to take the picture, I just keep my finger on the shutter release button halfway while that move the camera to track planes flying ahead of me. And start taking pictures automatically, the lens moves forward and backward as camera in focus stays. Although this process takes many more pictures that I could never use, there is always one or two in the Group of photos that phenomenal.

Because my long lens does not have an image stabilizer incorporated directly into it, use a tripod or monopod as a way to keep my constant camera. The monopod is especially useful when taking photos of action, because it is easy to stabilize the unit while also tracking the movements of the aircraft.

It is important to understand the limitations of your zoom lens to take pictures at a distance. Usually, long-term even high-end lens zoom image capture partial when opened its widest angle. With my 300 mm zoom lens, I usually only open it to a range of 250 mm without image increasingly distorted. Knowing this, I generally wait for aircraft to fly in closer. Taking photos in this range more close, gives me the opportunity to crop the photo without losing quality pixel.

Learn how to take great photos of aircraft in action, it is important to know the limitations of the camera you are using. While trying to take photos of about vintage aircraft keep the Sun at your back and your shot to include other objects, such as the birds in the sky, stage other nearby drawings or people.


Selasa, 11 Januari 2011

Revision of the EC225 Eurocopter Super Puma

Presented to the public in 2004, Eurocopter Super Puma Mk II + is one of the new Eurocopter line models. The company has not existed for a very long time. Eurocopter appeared on the scene in 1992. Today are a large helicopter, dealing with global companies. They are ranked number one in industry revenues and deliveries of the turbine.

Eurocopter has headquarters in France, Spain Germany and also a number of subsidiaries in countries such as the United States, Brazil and Australia. They have dozens of models of helicopters on the market, and many more in production. While the company is not very big, it employs only 15,600 people, its global reach is surprising.

Mk II + is one of the best ever produced by the Eurocopter Group. A favorite among almost all enthusiasts of heli and heads is spinning on air exposure of Paris. The copter is a long-range passenger transport model and is the next generation online the civilian Super Puma. In terms of average helicopters, the Eurocopter is absolutely enormous.

The EC225 is run through a powerful set of twin-engined and can carry up to 27 people in total (24 passengers, two pilots and a single cabin operator). It is more easily comparable to the Super Puma is used by many for VIP passenger transport business jet. However, it is also popular as an offshore copter support and public service.

Although it was not available as a civilian vehicle until 2004, a lot of planning went into this design. The EC225 was announced as a Eurocopter project way back in 1998. Years of development and find the right components, the first prototype emerged in November 2000 for its maiden flight. It wasn't until 2004 that was certified Super Puma.

After the certification of security of the European Aviation Safety Agency, EC225 Super Puma II was released and immediately began to sell worldwide.

At first glance, nothing seems too complicated configuration of the Super Puma II. Today, the EC225 is only an enhanced version of the Super Puma AS332L2. Improvements made include the new shape of profile wing five rotor blades. This helps the copter to reduce vibration levels. Other enhancements include two tubroshaft engines.

One of the major improvements of the Super Puma II is the anti-icing system. This allows the copter operate at much higher altitudes and much cooler climates. Rounding out the improvements is the parent of reinforced gearbox and a glass cockpit complete with active matrix LCDs.

For a helicopter in this size and strength, we can expect to pay a penny nice to own. The EC225 Super puma second + comes in more than 18 million dollars. In comparison with other modes of luxury of air transport market, it is not a lot of money – but by a helicopter, it is quite expensive.

Senin, 10 Januari 2011

Airlines that placed first in first class travel

What you do if you have a couple of million dollars burning a hole in your wallet? Customize inside your private jet, of course. To possess a private jet has lost its luster and need something until the gamble of opulence, can rely on Versace tag aircraft interiors to REList your crestfallen. The two companies, which at first sight seem to be mutually exclusive, joined forces to afford the uber rich and unique cabin interiors. Design team even listen to the input of customers, but there is no guarantee which applies "hints".

Not everyone needs to customize his private jet to enjoy his taste for luxury. Some people are quite content simply fly in first class, always his whim each catered to, and every comfort is assured. Airlines, Etihad, as have cottoned on the needs of the super rich and have taken first class flying to stratospheric levels. Even of Etihad economy class is designed to make travelers feel more as valuable clients and less forced slaughter cattle.

Diamonds and pearls

Etihad Airline offers three 'zones' fly, even the names of those who evoke comfort and elegance: coral (Economics), Pearl (business) and Diamond (first). Coral includes:

? designed ergonomically seats with a "cradle of recline" feature keeps your spine in a natural position.
Adjustable headrest ? and built-in footstool.
? course of three restaurants options (inspired by the specific destination).
? In seat power compatible with almost all types of important plug sockets so you can recharge your phone, laptop or game console.

And that's just economics. Diamond class, travellers discusses the headquarters of Diamond "revolutionary", which rotates 180 degrees, contains a 23' personal video LCD screen, has a six-track movement with ease massage headrest integrated and is capable of converting into bed luxury flat 6 foot 1 inch. The area has even a coatroom and mini bar. Seats in the Pearl zone also conversion flat beds or "negocio-camas" as they are called.

Pearl and diamond travellers also benefit from a food services and Beverage Manager (there's one on every flight), which helps them find dishes and adapt it to their States of spirits and wines to satisfy their dishes.

BMW-style luxury in luxo-Jets

When the Brazilian company Embraer, known for its innovative design and BMW, which is synonymous with luxury motoring, partnered, new first-class flyers were in for a treat. Fitted with Embraer jets and the DesignWorks study BMW provides the interiors, which have the sealing BMW style all over them. The lines straight and clean, and there are a lot of black and white; described as heavy and Teutonic technology. There is a fully equipped kitchen, as well as a bathroom and seats conversion flat beds.

According to a BMW press release, the objective was to set a new standard of luxury of first class. The design team had nicknamed it "Smart luxury" and consists of "space to relax and spend personal time freely". This translates into a lounge atmosphere with an emphasis on Windows, lighting and space to move comfortably.

Sleep soundly with Singapore Airlines

Singapore Airlines has quietly increased its stake to create a "super-first class" for wealthy travellers. Its line of double-decker Airbus A380 aircraft presumption now totally closed private suites designed by Jean-Jacques Costa, who is best known for its range of luxury yachts. There are 12 of these private aircraft, each one with a leather seat and a separate full size with designed duvets from Givenchy and cushions bed suites. Two half suites can be transformed into double accommodation for couples.

Not only super-first-class passengers will enjoy 23 inches flat screen TVs (with 100 films, television programs 180 and 700 CD), but can also rest assured in the knowledge that the program is "greener, cleaner, quieter and smarter" than other drawings.

Concepts for the future

Is the future of the gaze luxury air travel as? According to Schaedler Tino and Michael J. Brown, comes in the form of a "lifestyle zeppelin". The concept, which has been called the airship stratum, cruise ship is a huge system of advanced propulsion and photovoltaic cells that make travel safe, quick and clean carbon fiber Zeppelin.

The cruise is intended to combine the experiences of a cruise luxury with Richard Branson of space travel ideas. Features include a restaurant, spa, covered terrace with swimming pool in return, resident DJ, library, platform of bungee jumping, wall climbing and mini-oficinas private as well as private suites. Your audience is the contemporary traveller who would love to go on a cruise, but you cannot take time off. It will do it "to transform an exhausting trip and otherwise ordinary experience positive".

All that is going to show, when money is no object, travel by air is a breeze.