Senin, 31 Januari 2011

Unusual Airplanes

Magnificent birds of steel can be fun for a number of individuals. For those seeking to achieve the thrill and excitement in your life, these aircraft gives them an adrenaline that nothing can be compared too. Meanwhile for others, these aircraft are like a kind of meditation, provide something similar to an out of body experience.

Northrop blue tacita

This creation was specifically in mind stealth technology. The blue one is the result of seven years of diligent research. Unique curved design of the blue tacita analysis showed that it is capable of returning surprisingly low radar signals making it practically invisible. Blue Northrop tacita flew 134 times since 1982 up to the project ended in 1985. Without a doubt, this bird is one of the most amazing aircraft has never flown.

Boeing bird of prey

Launched in 1992, birds of prey Boeing project remains as a file classified air force files, however, does not stop our thanks for this beautiful machine. Developed to help the United States air force in its investigation of stealth technology, birds of prey cost a staggering $ 67 million. The project took a number of different models, all with some amazing technologies, then embedded in real Bird of Prey for its first flight never success in 1996

Grumman X-29

Originally conceived by a NASA Research Institute based in California, the V-ala Grumman X-29-shaped has played a key role in improving some of the most advanced aircraft technologically today. This unusual aircraft was designed, built, and then took off from NASA Dryden's renowned research center in Ames. The Grumman X-29 purpose was to test the functionality of unique design and technology embedded in its structure. That has now given as a result of this research is used to help engineers in the development of new aircraft.

General Dynamics A12 Avenger II

Conceived as a replacement for the A6, the main purpose behind the A12 Avenger II intruder was to make a machine to combat hidden all time for the Navy and Marine Corp. However, due to a number of flaws in design and development, tremendously expensive A12 Avenger II project was closed.

Bell-Boeing V22 Osprey

A magical flying machine able to overcome almost any helicopter, the Bell-Boeing V22 Osprey maneuverability is able to compare with almost any aircraft performance. Designers behind this most amazing birds exaggerated vertical take off from technology to produce a surprising but highly profitable aspect machine. This fusion of a VTOL high-speed cruise has caused many practical transportation applications increased from.

Bell X-1

Bell X-1 is one of the most renowned aircraft in aviation history. It's a beast powered rocket that broke the sound barrier for the first time back in 1947, piloted by Chuck Yeager shape. Before this historic mission, Yeager broke two of its ribs while horse but he that left no stop him. Desperate enter records, Yeager hidden wounds of his superiors, by climbing in the Bell X-1 and making history.


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