Minggu, 02 Januari 2011

Using Density Altitude chart

The density altitude is only one of the many types of altitude you need to understand when you are trying to learn to fly. This altitude is defined as the height that aircraft "feels" or thinks is in, so affect the performance of the its aircraft considerably. For example, in areas of high altitude aviation, it is possible that at the level of the ground, but his plane will feel that it is thousands of feet that is true in part due to the elevation.

However, the calculation of the density altitude is very important in aviation. There are several ways that you can do that, but you can do so easily using a graph. This graphic will be so easy for us because it has all the necessary variables and values needed for the calculation in her right. Therefore, let's go over and start learning how to calculate this altitude with the chart.

Pressure altitude

The first thing you need to find out is its pressure altitude. What we need, in turn, is our means of altimeter. These values are always for us, thankfully, therefore it is easy. Now, with our medium altimeter, we seek the graphic and just beside we can find our pressure altitude. It is an approximate height of our pressure altitude, but that's good enough. Join our elevation field, and then we get our high pressure.


Do the following to find out is our temperature. The temperature is located at the bottom of the graphic density. In other words, is the graphic X pressure height is the Y. Now, the pressure altitude always corresponds to a temperature. Ambient temperature is always scheduled in meteorological reports, so by what is not a problem as well.

Remember that the temperature is always in degrees Celsius and corresponds to the outside temperature. If you are on the surface, this is the temperature at the surface. When you're in flight, it is temperature aloft and would thus find winds aloft.

Trying out the density altitude

With our altitude together our loft temperature and pressure, we can now reach a point where the two are in the chart. Once you have that point calculated, the only thing we need is the straight line to the left. The density altitude is specified in another vertical plane and always expressed in thousands of feet when they are read in the chart.

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