Rabu, 02 Maret 2011

Vintage Aircraft - in the Sunshine

I remained at Cranwell for two years. During this time, apart from ceremonial duties (I was one of the thousands of soldiers who participated in the funeral of Sir Winston Churchill, among other things) I I hired in engineering of one kind or another with the squirrels in school work. Apart from day to day services and marshaling, more in-depth services was carried out at regular intervals of flight hours. We also had rectification work to be carried for any defect which might occur. At the end of my two years, I found that I was sent foreign, Middle East.

I was sent to the RAF in Aden Khormaksar and found was used in the wing strike, working on the Hawker Hunter. When I arrived in Aden, in August 1965, there were 2 squadrons filled, not 8 and 43 and a flight, no 1417. These were all operating Hawker hunters of one brand or another. There were 3 brands in use in Aden. These were mainly T7, FGA9 and FR10. I was not involved in the daily aircraft ration as I was registered on the flight that provide scheduled services.

The SSF task was to carry out all servicings were more complicated journals, such as primary, Star main and secondary servicings. We were also involved in any major rectification work and the work which incorporate changes to the aircraft. At this time I was thin and lightly built, usually was in charge of jobs where they are needed, small hands such as the modification on the part of Hydro-rocket spoiler blocking program. This was very demanding work, carried out by working through a very small group at the bottom of the wing. Work had to be carried out on all aircraft and I seem to remember doing a large number of them (but that may be only my aging memory play tricks).

A memorable rectification was when one of the hunters had a strike of birds, which came by intake port engine and landing gear Bay wing structure. Apart from the actual damages, which seemed quite extensive, disorder and the smell of the bird remains were very dominant. Everything must be eliminated before it failed to complete a proper assessment of damages. I seem to remember that at the end was decided to replace flat main port (wing), rather than trying to fix it on the plane. All Khormaksar work was carried out in an open hangar and therefore most of the time was very hot. I suspect that this was the main reason I stayed slim, as, like my colleagues, I me perspiring a large quantity of each day's work! Learn more about the Khormaksar in another article.

Senin, 28 Februari 2011

Nature - loans cutting-edge Aircraft Thin Spikes for aerial agility and efficiency

Over the years, I have pondered new ways to increase Vortex flow to accelerate the air at the top of the wings of the aircraft and to reduce the consumption of the layer limit, thus improving aerodynamic efficiency, reduce stall speeds for land and improving the efficiency of the wing, therefore, reduce fuel consumption. You see, I've always been a firm believer in efficiency – well, in all basically - economics, sports, Government, business, transportation and well, the name.

This kind of thinking has always attracted me to aviation since a plane is a tool and more efficient that works best for all parties concerned. Now, one of the concepts presented previously you then have small bumps, thin, but specifically shaped take on wind and meets with the leading edge of an aircraft and modify that airflow.

In fact, according to an interesting article on Live Science titles; "Mako Shark uses scale to make active tight," by Jeremy Hsu, LiveScience Senior Writer, which was published on November 24, 2010 the mako shark uses a similar strategy to assist with fluid dynamic challenges and flows of water through his body and makes strong and abrupt turns when going to kill.

Therefore I ask, we can actually use this trick of nature and the evolutionary adaptation towards more perfect currents in the aircraft? After all, we are now using the concepts of the humpback as a new form of design for blades of wind turbines whale fins and find enhancements almost immediately.

Why not borrow by nature and maybe put some of these "bumps" on the wings of the aircraft mako shark scales? We have large amount of materials to make them, so why not? If it helps the sharks that far, why not be sufficiently humble as to borrow this technique. In fact, I hope that all future aerospace designers might consider this.


Sabtu, 26 Februari 2011

Douglas Bader - Pilot breed, inspiring leader and hero of aviation

In 1931, Douglas Bader, a brilliant pilot 21 year of age in the RAF officer was chosen as one of the elite pilots to perform at the famous Hendon air display. Although often in violation of the regulations for flying too close to land, it was an outstanding aerobatic pilot, but on 14 December that year was exhausted their fate.

While visiting the Woodley, Reading, near's airfield it was invited by his fellow pilots to repeating their Hendon acrobatic performance and the temptation was too great to resist. A few meters on grass that Douglas Bader tried to stop filming his Bulldog; biplane airfield his left arrowhead swept the ground and at 125 mph crashed into the ground lost both legs in the accident.

After months in the hospital was equipped with two legs of Tin and commissioned into service with 100% of disability, his career appeared in ruins.

A less mortal would have hung their helmet fly there and then, but not of Douglas Bader. As soon as the war with Germany, than badgered their way to the RAF, convinced the Air Ministry doctors bureaucrats and flight instructors could fly, as well as anyone with two good legs, regained its wings and in the early 1940s, he was sent to 19 Squadron RAF Duxford, equipped with Mark I Spitfire. In June of that year gave him command of the squadron 242 that, flying, hurricanes led with great distinction from the battle of Britain.

In March 1941, Douglas Bader received the new post of Flying Wing Commander at Tangmere on the South coast. Equipped with Spitfires, Bader led the wing where, for the first time since the outbreak of the war, the RAF were able to carry the fight on the channel the enemy. Having been flying operationally tirelessly for 18 months – he had turned down the offer hop - on August 9, 1941 Bader luck again exhausted.

In a large dog fight over Bethune France North became independent of the Squadron, hired by the Messerschmitt fighter wing of Adolf Galland JG-26 and in the ensuing battle collided with one of them, losing the entire tail of his Spitfire section. Had no choice but to tax and was taken prisoner.
A constant on the side of his captors, Douglas Bader eventually thorn was imprisoned within the infamous Colditz where he remained until the end of the war camp.

Return United Kingdom after his release, Bader joined Shell company in 1946 as an Envoy, continue to fly the aircraft company worldwide himself and the personnel of the company high. After his retirement in 1964 shell gave the plane "with the aim of preserving its habitual mobility".

In all his years of peacetime Douglas Bader never ceased to be an inspiration to others who have lost limbs or they were disabled in some way. Took every opportunity to encourage others to disability approach with the same determination that made him one of the leaders of the great world war fighter, and his infectious, energy exuberance and indomitable spirit change forever the many people whose lives he played.

Douglas Bader was Knight by Queen Elizabeth II in 1976 for his commitment and work of inspiration for people with disabilities.


Jumat, 25 Februari 2011

Aviation carbon fibre

The world of aviation, compounds can be the most important materials. About 1960 saw the need for embedded in resin carbon fibre composite. Neither more nor less United States air force and the Navy of the United States use this material in many different applications. Main applications are particularly in the aircraft control surfaces as rudders, primarily controls the movement of the nose of the aircraft to the left or right; addresses and ailerons, responsible for the longitudinal movement of the aircraft. The pinnacle of success for the implementation of the material was to be carried out in public with important participation in the production of Boeing 787 Dreamliner.

Boeing 787 Dreamliner is proud as the aircraft more invented innovative ever in the history of mankind. This is the first aircraft each time you use carbon fiber in most of its parts. In this sense, it is its developer, Boeing Commercial Airplanes, boasts state-of-the-art aircraft is the most efficient among all airlines in the world, as it only consumes 20% less fuel than by any aircraft of similar size. Since it is lighter in comparison with other aircraft, has smaller engine, therefore the need for a minimal amount of fuel.

The most outstanding value of aviation industry has composed of carbon is that you still have the ability to be strong light in weight. Weight of an aircraft is directly proportional to its fuel consumption. As heavier succeeds, the fuel that comes to burn. Carbon fiber seem to be a perfect response to the concerns of the industry on this matter.

Today, the use of this material has its main applications in number one composition - consumption in the army. Military aircraft used an extraordinary amount of composite materials of other commercial passenger airlines. A good example to mention is F-22 Raptor, which was introduced on December 15, 2005. It is a fighter that was specifically designed as air superiority fighter aircraft, but can also operate to serve on the understanding of signs, electronic warfare and ground attack. The plane has more than three hundred fifty pieces of carbon compounds. Due to this, F-22 Raptor proud with magnificent speed sigilo, precision, agility, situational awareness and different capabilities of combat, making the best of the history of mankind has ever known fighter aircraft.

Other military aircraft benefited primarily carbon fiber are Joint Strike Fighter plane or the F-35; and Black Hawk helicopters. Provided that the aviation industry will remain enthusiastic about its evolution with this material will remain the compound as the most important material for use.

Rabu, 23 Februari 2011

Overview of company aircraft manufacturers Eclipse Aviation Corporation

Technically, Eclipse Aviation Corporation no longer exists. In 2009, a group of investors to buy assets of the company and subsequently had called Eclipse Aerospace. However, the company is in limbo at the moment, and they are in the process of manufacture and employee engagement funding.

The original company was the manufacturer of the Eclipse 500. This lightweight aircraft was popular for a while, but obviously not popular enough to bring to the company. Eclipse Aviation Corporation with the help of his former boss, Bill Gates was founded in 1998, Vern Raburn. Bill became the major shareholder and the company first took off in Scottsdale, Arizona.

When planning for the twin-engined Eclipse 500, the company moved to Albuquerque and began to manufacture its first prototype aircraft in 2001. Early design concepts were all wrong. Engines use not were suitable for general design of the aircraft and production was scrapped, and the team returned to the drawing board.

The first used engines were two international Williams EJ22 turbofans. Surprisingly, took a staggering three years to correct the error and finally settling in two PW610F-A turbofan engines. The Eclipse does not start with the newly updated until 2004 components. The team had finally arrived just and the aircraft was a success.

In the summer of 2006, FAA finally very lightweight Eclipse 500, and then the company jet certificate delivered its first jet for customer use next year. It would take another year to the European aviation safety agency certify the Eclipse 500 for private use, but achieved certification in 2008.

Apparently, things were going well for Eclipse, and even started working on a new model - the Eclipse concept Jet. This single-engined aircraft, four-seat was built in secret and shown as a prototype now operable. Finally, the aircraft concept was named the Eclipse and reluctantly 400, the company plans to bring it into production of orders come from.

The company in place would suffer a severe blow in 2007. The recession was starting to strengthen companies such as aircraft manufacturers much before they affect the housing market. Eclipse was forced dismissal of more than 100 employees and they were being sued for failure to pay for their work.

Things were completely downhill from that point. Vern Raburn resigned, 400 production was suspended, nearly half the company workforce had to be dismissed and engines were is seized by the manufacturers. Finally, customers even began to sue the company and it was forced to declare bankruptcy.

After all the disorder in court, a bidder (Eclipse Aerospace) was everything that was left to make an offer for the company. Eclipse Aerospace acquired the company for 20 million dollars in cash and promissory notes $ 20 million.

Selasa, 22 Februari 2011

Cessna 182 Skylane - the Quintessential light aircraft

Cessna 182 Skylane is considered by many as the best of light aircraft. Although it does not occur in the same numbers as its smaller cousin the Cessna 172 and name recognition among the population in general as the Cub, the Skylane is at the upper end than it is practical for everyday pilot.

Cessna 182 was introduced in 1956 as a variant of 180 tricycle gear. In 1957, 182A variant was introduced along with the name Skylane. Later models added larger Windows and more powerful engines.

Located in the Cessna alignment from the 172 to 206/210, 182 is at the end of what can be considered as a simple plane. Although the 182 has a controllable pitch propeller, is not pressurized and most were built with engines and fixed landing gear of not tubrocharged. Therefore have relatively simple maintenance a 172, the extra performance of an extra 80 HP, but only a couple of extra gallons of fuel flow in cruise.

182 Is heavier and has a more solid than a 172 sensation and is widely regarded as a very good flying instrument due to its stability level. Newer models with a cabin G1000 Crystal and the GFC 700 Autopilot are an authentic model of capacity and the sophistication of a light aircraft.

Cessna 182 has four seats. However, as the majority of small planes you will only see full for short local flights. For longer trips extra fuel and the probability of baggage means that one or more seats will probably be empty. What is lost in people you will definitely get in range and resistance. Later 182 can carry 88 gallons of fuel, it enough to easily follow aloft for six hours, which exceed the strength of the passengers, if not the aircraft.

On the basis of their price, simplicity, ease of handling, durability and performance, the Skylane has earned its place as one of the most popular and respected light aircraft.

Minggu, 20 Februari 2011

Rely on their instruments especially in fog

While the position of certain instruments in the cockpit in individual private planes may vary, the most important primary flight instruments six absolute will always be placed right in front of the pilot. Inform the orientation of the plane, offering its direction, speed, altitude, etc.. With their gauges can lift to the condition of time on the engine and all individual systems of the aircraft. Even the most basic aircraft will provide you with information and reading about how much fuel is aboard, ammeter, oil pressure, temperature and the tachometer. Even some offers small aircraft pressure readings of the variety, the speed of the fuel flow and the cylinder head temperature instrumentation.

A pilot is sometimes caught flying through "the soup", also known as instrumental (IMC) weather conditions. Many experienced pilots tell stories that you've been taught to always rely on their instruments when you fly under these conditions. Generally speaking, based on its instrumentation because lost all visual indication become extremely confused and already cannot depend on its own senses to say yes to what happens and what is inactive. Some pilots relay stories fly through fog, insurance of its direction and guidance, only to find themselves raise the cloud completely upside down.

No horse through the fog without reading their instruments, can never be 100% sure that what is happening, or even close to that percentage. So while it may be true that almost 100% of the time their instruments not lie, are caused by man and able to malfunction. Perhaps, instead of saying that the fact of "always must rely on their instruments", the statement might be better said that "never trust your own senses".

The two main instruments to entrust to pull that will go you on clouds and indicators of altitude. However, both instruments are based on the same vacuum pump that keeps the gyroscope to function properly. If the rotation system fails, the instruments will be not be tell you what is really happening. But any pilot can teach themselves or learn from others, exactly how to cross check your meter. Many instruments in the panel can really show different types of information other than what they were specifically designed to display.

Consider for a moment that you are flying and you don't know which direction is up or down. Its heading indicator and its altitude indicator no longer work. Simply the nose in a diving tank would to know if it is really falling into altitude as the airspeed began to increase rapidly. The reverse is also true. If tire backwards to raise its level of altitude course should reduce speed as you upload. If these two things do not pass their instruments are really tell you what you think is happening, no. If your speed is kept constant, then, you know that your altitude is also holding steady. Accordingly, if the instrument turn coordinator remained stable and so does speed mostly know is maintaining its orientation.

It is always important to verify its implementation, even when the sky is clear or anytime when VFR flight. Learn how to use other instruments in the panel to give you information validate what you know is true, is a valuable way to learn how to fly through "the soup" when the time comes.